Red-Eyes Roulette (Skill Card)
Red-Eyes Roulette (Skill Card)
  • Archetype:
  • Red-Eyes

  • ATK:
  • 0

  • DEF:
  • 0

  • View:
  • 1534

Select 1 monster from the list below and add it to your Deck from outside of the Deck. Then, add 1 random "Red-Eyes" card from your Deck to your hand and return 1 "Red-Eyes" card from your hand to your Deck. This Skill will only activate if you begin the Duel with a Deck that has 10 or more "Red-Eyes" cards including at least 5 "Red-Eyes" monsters. Can be used from the 4th turn onward. This Skill can only be used once per Duel. (Extra Deck does not count.) "Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning" "Summoned Skull" "Meteor Dragon Red-Eyes Impact " "Meteor Dragon" "Gearfried the Red-Eyes Iron Knight" "Gearfried the Iron Knight"
